Man with tattoos looking at his phone

How To Stay Healthy On Tour: A Guide For Musicians

Touring is a crucial aspect of a musician’s career, allowing them to connect with fans, build their brand, and showcase their talent to a wider audience. However, the hectic schedules, long hours, and frequent travel that come with touring can be physically and mentally exhausting, leaving musicians vulnerable to health problems and burnout.

Despite these challenges, musicians can stay healthy and maintain their energy and performance quality while on tour. By prioritizing self-care and making healthy choices, musicians can avoid burnout and enjoy the rewards of touring.

  1. Get Enough Sleep
  2. Stay Hydrated
  3. Eat Healthy Foods
  4. Exercise Regularly
  5. Take Breaks
  6. Manage Stress
  7. Practice Good Hygiene
  8. Protect Your Hearing
  9. Take Care of Your Voice
  10. Stay Connected with Loved Ones

This blog post will share ten tips for musicians to stay healthy on tour. From getting enough sleep to practicing good hygiene, we will cover all aspects of maintaining physical and mental health while on the road. By implementing these tips, musicians can focus on their music and give their fans the best possible performance every night.

Woman sleeping in bed


Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health, especially during a demanding tour schedule. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, decreased immune function, and increased risk of accidents and injuries.

Musicians should prioritize getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night, even if their schedule is busy or they are in different time zones. By sticking to a consistent sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleeping environment, musicians can improve the quality of their sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Earplugs and eye masks can help block out noise and light, creating a more conducive sleeping environment.

Have you ever wondered where musicians sleep on tour? Check out this list of Places Where Musicians Sleep on Tour.

Additionally, taking short naps during the day can be helpful for catching up on missed sleep and re-energizing for performances. By making sleep a priority and taking steps to improve its quality, musicians can maintain their physical and mental health on tour and perform at their best.


Staying hydrated is important for all aspects of our health. For musicians, it’s even more important as they constantly exert themselves physically and mentally during performances. Drinking enough water is necessary to keep the body functioning properly and avoid dehydration. The body loses fluids through sweating and breathing, and when the body doesn’t have enough fluids, it can lead to fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps.

Carrying a refillable water bottle is a great way to stay hydrated while on tour. Many venues have refill stations for water bottles or offer free water to performers. Drinking water frequently throughout the day is important, especially in hot or dry climates. Musicians should avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate the body. Instead, drinking coconut water or sports drinks can be a good way to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating.

Dehydration can also lead to vocal issues for singers and vocalists. It’s important for vocalists to stay hydrated to keep the vocal cords moist and avoid vocal strain. Drinking warm water with honey and lemon can help soothe the throat and provide hydration for singers. Overall, staying hydrated is an easy and effective way for musicians to stay healthy on tour.


Eating a balanced diet is important for maintaining energy levels and good health. Musicians should try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, and avoid fast food and junk food. Packing healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, and protein bars can help avoid the temptation to grab unhealthy snacks on the go. Eating a hearty breakfast can also help set the tone for a healthy day.

In addition to packing healthy snacks, musicians can also prioritize eating healthy meals while on tour. This can be challenging when traveling to new cities and dealing with busy schedules, but trying to find healthy options is important. Musicians can research healthy restaurants in advance or ask locals for recommendations.

When eating at restaurants, choosing options that are grilled, baked, or steamed instead of fried can help reduce unhealthy fats and calories. Choosing smaller portions or sharing meals with bandmates can also help avoid overeating. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating late at night, which can disrupt sleep patterns and digestion.

Eating healthy foods can help musicians maintain energy levels, avoid illness, and feel their best while on tour.


Regular exercise is essential for maintaining physical health, improving mood, and reducing stress levels. Musicians who tour extensively often spend a lot of time sitting in buses or airplanes, or standing for long periods of time during performances. This can lead to aches, pains, and other physical discomforts. Incorporating exercise into a tour routine can help combat these issues.

Musicians don’t need to spend hours at the gym to reap the benefits of exercise. Even short bursts of physical activity throughout the day can make a difference. For example, taking a 15-minute walk before soundcheck or doing a few yoga poses before bed can help improve circulation and relieve tension.

In addition to physical benefits, exercise can also have mental health benefits. Many musicians find that exercise helps them clear their minds and reduce stress. It can also be a great way to bond with bandmates or crew members.

Finally, some venues have gyms or workout facilities that musicians can use. If possible, taking advantage of these resources can be a great way to stay active on tour. However, even if a gym isn’t available, there are plenty of bodyweight exercises and stretches that can be done in a hotel room or backstage.


Taking breaks is an essential aspect of self-care for musicians on tour. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of a busy schedule and forget to take time to rest and recharge. However, failing to take breaks can lead to burnout and diminished performance quality.

Musicians should try to take regular breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. This could mean stepping outside for some fresh air, taking a quick walk around the venue, or finding a quiet corner to meditate or do some deep breathing exercises. Taking a short nap can also be helpful for re-energizing and resetting the body and mind.

In addition to taking regular breaks, musicians should also schedule days off or downtime in between shows. This can provide much-needed time to rest and recharge and allow musicians to explore the city they’re in or spend time with loved ones. Musicians should communicate their need for downtime with their team and make sure it’s built into the tour schedule.

In summary, taking breaks is essential for maintaining physical and mental health on tour. By prioritizing rest and downtime, musicians can avoid burnout and maintain their energy and performance quality throughout the tour.

Person meditating on a yellow yoga mat


Stress can take a toll on both physical and mental health, and touring can be particularly stressful due to the constant travel, tight schedules, and high-pressure performances. To manage stress on tour, musicians can try a variety of techniques that help promote relaxation and calm the mind.

Meditation, for example, involves focusing on the breath and clearing the mind of thoughts. There are many meditation apps available that can guide beginners through the practice. We recommend Headspace!

Deep breathing exercises can also be helpful for reducing stress and anxiety, as they help slow down the heart rate and promote relaxation. Other relaxation techniques that can be effective include progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and aromatherapy.

Setting realistic expectations for oneself and one’s team is also important for managing stress on tour. Musicians should try to avoid putting too much pressure on themselves to perform perfectly or meet unrealistic expectations. It’s important to remember that touring is a demanding activity and that setbacks and challenges are inevitable.

By setting reasonable goals and expectations and focusing on the positive aspects of the tour, musicians can help reduce stress and stay mentally healthy on the road.


Touring can also impact personal hygiene and grooming habits, which can further affect health and well-being. Musicians should prioritize showering regularly to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs. Packing personal grooming items like toothbrushes, razors, and deodorant is also important to maintain hygiene standards and feel fresh on stage.

Showering on tour can be a luxury for some musicians. Check out this list of 12 Ways Musicians Take Showers On Tour.

Additionally, keeping clean clothes and regularly washing them can help reduce the risk of skin infections and unpleasant odors.

Finally, maintaining a clean living space in a tour van or hotel room can also contribute to good hygiene practices. By making an effort to maintain personal hygiene and grooming habits, musicians can not only maintain their health but also feel more confident and professional while performing.


Protecting your hearing is crucial for musicians, as exposure to loud noise can cause permanent hearing damage. Musicians often experience high levels of noise during concerts and rehearsals, which can lead to tinnitus, a ringing in the ears that can be both frustrating and distracting.

Protecting your hearing is—unfortunatley—something many musicians overlook. Check out our guide to Preserving Your Hearing As A Musician: Strategies For Long-Term Health.

To prevent this, musicians should wear earplugs or other hearing protection whenever they are exposed to loud noise. Earplugs should fit snugly in the ear canal and can be custom-molded for a comfortable and effective fit. They can also be designed to reduce sound levels evenly across all frequencies, preserving the quality of the music while protecting the ears.

In addition to wearing hearing protection, musicians should also take breaks from loud noise whenever possible. This can mean stepping away from the stage during soundchecks, taking breaks between songs, or reducing the volume of the monitors. By taking these steps to protect their hearing, musicians can continue to enjoy their craft without risking long-term hearing damage.


As a vocalist, your voice is your instrument, and it’s important to take extra care of it when touring. One of the most important things you can do is to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This helps keep the vocal cords lubricated and prevents dryness that can cause irritation and strain. It’s also important to avoid alcohol and smoking, which can further dry out the vocal cords and cause inflammation.

Before performances, it’s essential to warm up your voice to prevent injury and ensure the best possible performance. This can include exercises such as lip trills, vocal sirens, and humming. It’s also important to avoid yelling or screaming, which can strain the vocal cords and cause damage. Instead, use proper vocal technique and projection to achieve the desired sound.

It’s important to listen to your body and take a break if your voice feels tired or strained. Continuing to sing with a tired or strained voice can lead to more serious vocal injuries, such as nodules or polyps. Resting your voice and using techniques such as steam inhalation or throat lozenges can help alleviate strain and promote healing.

By taking care of your voice on tour, you can ensure that you are able to perform at your best and maintain the health of your vocal cords for years to come.

Man with tattoos looking at his phone


Staying connected to loved ones can be a challenge for musicians on tour, as they are often far away from home and have limited time for communication. However, taking the time to connect with loved ones can have significant benefits for mental health and well-being. Regular phone calls, video chats, and text messages can help musicians stay connected to their support network back home and feel less isolated on the road.

Social media can also be a powerful tool for staying connected with fans and supporters, allowing musicians to share their experiences and receive encouragement and feedback.

In addition to staying in touch with loved ones, musicians can also benefit from connecting with other musicians and industry professionals while on tour. Networking events, industry conferences, and meet and greets can provide opportunities for musicians to make new connections and build relationships with others in the industry. This can lead to new opportunities, collaborations, and friendships that can enhance the touring experience.

Overall, staying connected to others is an important part of maintaining mental health and wellbeing on tour. By prioritizing communication and connection with loved ones and peers, musicians can feel more supported and less isolated while on the road.


Touring can be a physically and mentally demanding experience for musicians. However, by prioritizing self-care and making healthy choices on tour, musicians can maintain their energy and performance quality.

Getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, taking breaks, managing stress, practicing good hygiene, protecting your hearing, taking care of your voice, and staying connected with loved ones are all important steps for musicians to stay healthy on tour.

By implementing these tips, musicians can enjoy the excitement and rewards of touring while also maintaining their physical and mental health.


Why is getting enough sleep important for musicians on tour?
Answer: Adequate rest is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health. Touring can be exhausting, both physically and mentally, and getting enough sleep helps musicians recharge and stay energized for performances.

What are some healthy snack options for musicians on tour?
Answer: Packing healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, and protein bars can help avoid the temptation to grab unhealthy snacks on the go. Other options include cut-up veggies with hummus, trail mix, and rice cakes with almond butter.

How can musicians protect their hearing on tour?
Answer: Musicians can protect their hearing by wearing earplugs or other hearing protection and taking breaks from loud noise whenever possible. Custom-molded earplugs can be a worthwhile investment for musicians who spend a lot of time on stage.

What are some stress management techniques that musicians can use on tour?
Answer: Musicians can try meditation, deep breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques to help calm their minds. Setting realistic expectations for themselves and their team can also help reduce stress.

How can vocalists take care of their voice on tour?
Answer: Vocalists can take care of their voice on tour by staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol and smoking, which can dry out the vocal cords. They should also warm up before performances and avoid yelling or screaming, which can strain the vocal cords. It’s important to listen to your body and take a break if your voice feels tired or strained.

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