Touring van parked on the street

The Ins & Outs Of Touring In A Van & Making It A Comfortable Experience

Touring in a van is a rite of passage for many bands. It’s a way to get out on the road, play shows, and connect with fans. While it may not be the most glamorous way to travel, it’s a cost-effective and practical option for many bands, especially those just starting out. In this article, we’ll explore why bands tour in vans and how to make touring in a van more comfortable.

Bands tour in vans because they are a cost-effective way to travel, as renting a tour bus or flying can be expensive. Touring in a van allows musicians to travel together, build camaraderie, and share experiences that help them grow as a band. Vans also provide enough space to store equipment, ensuring musicians have everything they need to perform at their best.

However, touring in a van can also present unique challenges, such as limited space, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, and long driving hours.

In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of touring in a van and provide tips on making the experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Whether you’re a seasoned touring veteran or a first-time musician hitting the road, these tips will help you navigate the ups and downs of touring in a van and make it a memorable and successful experience.

Touring van parked on the street


Touring in a van has been a music industry staple for decades. Many musicians have started their careers by touring in vans, from indie rock bands to world-famous pop stars. Here are four key reasons why bands tour in vans.


Touring in a van is a cost-effective way for bands to travel from one venue to another. When starting out, bands may not have the financial resources to rent a tour bus or fly from city to city. A van provides a more affordable option to accommodate the musicians and their equipment.

The cost of renting a van or purchasing one outright is significantly less than that of a tour bus, which often requires a driver and a larger crew to maintain.

Touring in a van also means that bands can avoid costly airfare, hotel bills, and restaurant meals and instead bring their own food and camping equipment. The van can be used as a means of transportation and as a mobile home, with the band members sleeping in it and cooking their own meals. This approach not only saves money but also provides a unique opportunity for bands to bond and connect with each other in close quarters.

Touring in a van can be a cost-effective and practical way for bands to tour, allowing them to focus on their music and connect with their fans comfortably and affordably.


Vans are a popular option for bands transporting their equipment from one venue to another. Not only do vans provide ample space for the band members and their personal items, but they can also tow trailers, creating an opportunity to store and transport expensive equipment safely. This feature is particularly useful for musicians transporting heavy, fragile, or large equipment, such as drums, amplifiers, or lighting systems.

By towing a trailer, bands can ensure that their equipment is protected from damage during transit and arrives at the venue in the same condition as when it was loaded. The extra space provided by the trailer also means that bands can bring more equipment with them on the road, which can help them to deliver better and more interesting performances.

Additionally, using a trailer can eliminate the need to rent expensive equipment at each new venue, saving the band significant amounts of money in the long run. Vans and trailers provide an ideal combination of storage and transportation options for bands on tour.


Vans are great for touring musicians because they are versatile and can be upgraded to make travel more comfortable. Vans offer enough space to store equipment, but they are also flexible enough to handle the demands of touring. They are small enough to navigate city streets but spacious enough to sleep in and transport gear.

Vans can also be easily customized and upgraded to create a more comfortable travel environment for musicians. Common upgrades include adding a bed or a comfortable seating area, installing air conditioning or a heating system, and adding storage solutions for food, clothing, and equipment. By making these upgrades, bands can create a comfortable, functional, and enjoyable living space that can serve as a home base during the tour.

These upgrades can also make touring more sustainable, allowing bands to save money on accommodation and food, and reducing their carbon footprint by avoiding excessive travel by plane or bus. Vans are a versatile option for touring musicians, offering the flexibility to customize and upgrade the space for optimal comfort and functionality.

Band van with doors open at night


Touring in a van can be an exciting experience for musicians, but it can also be challenging, especially when traveling for long hours or extended periods of time.

However, with careful planning and preparation, bands can make touring in a van more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone involved. Here are some tips for making touring in a van more comfortable.


Planning ahead is essential in making touring in a van more comfortable. This includes planning your route, accommodation, and budget to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey. Consider distance, weather, and traffic patterns when planning your route to avoid unexpected delays or challenging driving conditions.

It is also important to research and book accommodation in advance to ensure availability and to avoid last-minute expenses. Creating a budget for the tour is another important factor in planning ahead, as it helps to avoid overspending and allows for more financial flexibility throughout the tour.


One way to make touring in a van more comfortable is by upgrading it. This can involve adding a comfortable bed, air conditioning, heating, or extra storage space. These upgrades can help make the van feel more like a home, allowing for better rest and relaxation during the tour.

Additionally, adding decorative touches such as curtains or string lights can help to create a more pleasant and welcoming environment.


Regular breaks are an important aspect of making touring in a van more comfortable. Long hours of driving can be physically and mentally exhausting, and taking breaks can help alleviate some of the strain.

Breaks can be used to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, or grab a healthy snack. Planning breaks in scenic locations or at rest stops can also be a great way to enjoy some beautiful scenery while recharging your batteries for the next leg of the tour.


Staying clean is another key element of making touring in a van more comfortable. Bringing personal hygiene items such as baby wipes, hand sanitizer, and a toothbrush can help keep you fresh and clean during long drives or rest periods.

Keeping the van itself clean and organized is also important, as a cluttered and dirty van can make for an unpleasant and uncomfortable travel experience.

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Staying entertained is another important aspect of making touring in a van more comfortable. Long hours of driving can be monotonous and boring, so bringing entertainment options such as books, games, or movies can help to pass the time and keep you and your bandmates occupied during downtime. These entertainment options can also be a great way to bond and connect with your bandmates personally.


Staying hydrated and well-fed is critical to maintaining energy and focus during a long tour. Bringing plenty of water bottles or a refillable water jug can help to stay hydrated throughout the tour.

At the same time, healthy snacks and meals can fuel long drives and performances. Packing non-perishable food items such as nuts, granola bars, or dried fruit can help to avoid relying on fast food or gas station snacks, which can be unhealthy and expensive.


Scheduling downtime for rest and relaxation is essential to making touring in a van more comfortable. Touring can be grueling, both physically and mentally, so taking time to rest and recharge can help to avoid burnout and fatigue.

Scheduling downtime can involve taking a day off from touring to explore a new city, hiking or walking, or simply relaxing and reading a book.

Have you ever wondered what bands do between shows? Check out this list of 12 Things Musicians Actually Do Before A Show (With Examples).


Effective communication and teamwork with bandmates is essential for making touring in a van more comfortable. Touring in a van can be an intense experience, and it is important to communicate openly and respectfully with your bandmates to avoid tension and conflict. Discussing any issues or concerns before they become problems can help maintain a positive and supportive environment.

Working together as a team is also important to ensure everyone is pulling their weight and contributing meaningfully to the tour. Encouraging, sharing responsibilities, and respecting each other’s personal space can create a more positive and enjoyable touring experience.

Tour van and trailer


Touring in a van can be an exciting and affordable way for bands to travel and connect with their fans. By following these tips, bands can make touring in a van more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Planning ahead, upgrading the van, taking breaks, staying clean, staying entertained, staying hydrated and well-fed, scheduling downtime, and effective communication with bandmates are all important factors to consider when touring in a van.

Overall, touring in a van can be a memorable and meaningful experience, allowing bands to create lasting memories, connect with fans, and pursue their passion for music.


How do you prepare your van for a long-distance tour?
Preparing your van for a long-distance tour involves ensuring it is in good mechanical condition and has sufficient storage space for equipment and personal belongings. Before departing, it is important to thoroughly inspect the van to check for any issues or potential problems, such as tire pressure, brakes, and fluid levels. Ensuring a clean, well-organized van can also provide a more comfortable and efficient touring experience.

What are some essential items to pack for a comfortable touring experience in a van?
Some essential items to pack for a comfortable touring experience in a van include pillows, blankets, earplugs, personal hygiene items, healthy snacks, water, entertainment options such as books, games, or movies, and comfortable clothing and clothing footwear. It is also important to bring a first-aid kit, necessary medication, and any personal items contributing to a sense of home or comfort.

How do you manage personal space and boundaries when touring in a van?
When touring in a van with other band members, managing personal space and boundaries involves communication and respect. It is important to set expectations for personal space and preferences for sleeping, eating, and downtime. Communicating openly and respectfully with bandmates can help avoid misunderstandings or conflicts and create a supportive and positive environment.

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle while on tour in a van?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on tour in a van involves planning and prioritizing exercise and proper nutrition. Bringing healthy snacks and meals, avoiding fast food and gas station food, and staying hydrated with water or sports drinks can contribute to a more balanced and healthy diet. Finding time to exercise through stretching, yoga, or walking can also help reduce stress and maintain physical health during the tour.

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